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Mujib Borsho Paragraph | 100 Years of Mujib| Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

Friday, March 13, 2020

Mujib Borsho Paragraph | 100 Years of Mujib

The government of Bangladesh has announced the commemoration of 2020-2021 as the Mujib Year (Bengali: মুজিব বর্ষ) on the occasion of the centennial birth anniversary of the founding leader of the country, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman . This year will be celebrated from March 17, 2020 to March 26, 2021. The father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is the architect of independent Bangladesh.He is recognized as the greatest Bengali of the past Thousand Years.We owe to his charismatic leadership for making us a free nation.This great leader was born on 17th March 1920 at Tungipara in Gopalganj.His father's name was Sheikh lutfur Rahman and mother's name was Sayera Khatun.He passed the matriculation examination from the Gopalganj Mission High School.He obtained B.A. degree in 1947 from the Kolkata Islamic college.Afterwards, he joined the politics and did his best for the Bengali Nation to make them free from the misrule and oppression of the pak rulers .His history address on the 17th March 1971, ata mammoth gathering at the Race Course marked a turning point in the history of the Bengali Nation.In his address he made a clarion call, saying: " Build forts in each homestead.You must resist the Pakistani army with whatever you have in hand. Remember: since we have alreday had to shed blood , we will have to shed a lot more of it. By the grace of Allah we will be able to liberate the people of this land. The struggle this time is a struggle for freedom__ the struggle this time is a struggle for emancipation. He was arrested at 25 March, 1971 and was taken to Pakistan.He was sent back home after Liberation. He was the Prime Minister and sometime President of Bangladesh but unfortunately he was assassinated by some misguided Army officers on 15th August, 1975 ,along with most of his family members excepting for his two daughters. It is considered a great loss for the nation. Nothing can compensate the loss. He was engraved at Tungipara.

ছেলের প্রধান শিক্ষককে আব্রাহাম লিংকনের চিঠি | Abraham Lincoln's Letter

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

ছেলের প্রধান শিক্ষককে আব্রাহাম লিংকনের চিঠি ================================================== বাংলা ভার্সনঃ মাননীয় মহাশয়, আমার ছেলেকে জ্ঞানার্জনের জন্য আপনার কাছে প্রেরণ করলাম। তাকে আদর্শ মানুষ হিসেবে গড়ে তুলবেন- এটাই আপনার কাছে আমার বিশেষ দাবি। আমার ছেলেকে অবশ্যই শেখাবেন – সব মানুষই ন্যায়পরায়ণ নয়, সব মানুষই সত্যনিষ্ঠ নয়। তাকে এও শেখাবেন প্রত্যেক বদমায়েশের মাঝেও একজন বীর থাকতে পারে, প্রত্যেক স্বার্থবান রাজনীতিকের মাঝেও একজন নিঃস্বার্থ নেতা থাকে। তাকে শেখাবেন প্রত্যেক শত্রুর মাঝেও একজন বন্ধু থাকে , আমি জানি এটা শিখতে তার সময় লাগবে, তবুও যদি পারেন তাকে শেখাবেন পাঁচটি ডলার কুড়িয়ে পাওয়ার চেয়ে একটি উপার্জিত ডলার অধিক মূল্যবান। এও তাকে শেখাবেন, কিভাবে পরাজয়কে মেনে নিতে হয় এবং কিভাবে বিজয়োল্লাস উপভোগ করতে হয়। হিংসা থেকে দূরে থাকার শিক্ষাও তাকে দিবেন। যদি পারেন নীরব হাসির গোপন সৌন্দর্য তাকে শেখাবেন। সে যেন আগেভাগেই এ কথা বুঝতে পারে- যারা পীড়নকারী তাদেরই সহজে কাবু করা যায়। বইয়ের মাঝে কি রহস্য আছে তাও তাকে বুঝতে শেখাবেন। আমার ছেলেকে শেখাবেন – বিদ্যালয়ে নকল করার চেয়ে অকৃতকার্য হওয়া অনেক বেশী সম্মানজনক। নিজের উপর তার যেন সুমহান আস্থা থাকে। এমনকি সবাই যদি সেটাকে ভুলও মনে করে। তাকে শেখাবেন, ভদ্রলোকের প্রতি ভদ্র আচরণ করতে, কঠোরদের প্রতি কঠোর হতে। আমার ছেলে যেন এ শক্তি পায়- হুজুগে মাতাল জনতার পদাঙ্ক অনুসরণ না করার। সে যেন সবার কথা শোনে এবং তা সত্যের পর্দায় ছেঁকে যেন ভালোটাই শুধু গ্রহণ করে- এ শিক্ষাও তাকে দিবেন। সে যেন শিখে দুঃখের মাঝে কীভাবে হাসতে হয়। আবার কান্নার মাঝে লজ্জা নেই একথা তাকে বুঝতে শেখাবেন। যারা নির্দয়, নির্মম তাদের সে যেন ঘৃণা করতে শেখে। আর অতিরিক্ত আরাম-আয়েশ থেকে সাবধান থাকে। আমার পুত্রের প্রতি সদয় আচরণ করবেন কিন্তু সোহাগ করবেন না। কেননা আগুনে পুড়েই ইস্পাত খাঁটি হয়। আমার সন্তানের যেন অধৈর্য হওয়ার সাহস না থাকে, থাকে যেন সাহসী হওয়ার ধৈর্য। তাকে এ শিক্ষাও দিবেন- নিজের প্রতি তার যেন সুমহান আস্থা থাকে আর তখনই তার সুমহান আস্থা থাকবে মানবজাতির প্রতি। ইতি আপনার বিশ্বস্ত আব্রাহাম লিংকন। =========================================== ইংলিশ ভার্সনঃ
My son starts school today. It is all going to be strange and new to him for a while and I wish you would treat him gently. It is an adventure that might take him across continents. All adventures that probably include wars, tragedy and sorrow. To live this life will require faith, love and courage.
So dear Teacher, will you please take him by his hand and teach him things he will have to know, teaching him – but gently, if you can. Teach him that for every enemy, there is a friend. He will have to know that all men are not just, that all men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero, that for every crooked politician, there is a dedicated leader.
Teach him if you can that 10 cents earned is of far more value than a dollar found. In school, teacher, it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat. Teach him to learn how to gracefully lose, and enjoy winning when he does win.
Teach him to be gentle with people, tough with tough people. Steer him away from envy if you can and teach him the secret of quiet laughter. Teach him if you can – how to laugh when he is sad, teach him there is no shame in tears. Teach him there can be glory in failure and despair in success. Teach him to scoff at cynics.
Teach him if you can the wonders of books, but also give time to ponder the extreme mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun and flowers on a green hill. Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if every one tell him they are wrong.
Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone else is doing it. Teach him to listen to every one, but teach him also to filters all that he hears on a screen of truth and take only the good that comes through.
Teach him to sell his talents and brains to the highest bidder but never to put a price tag on his heart and soul. Let him have the courage to be impatient, let him have the patient to be brave. Teach him to have sublime faith in himself, because then he will always have sublime faith in mankind, in God.
This is the order, teacher but see what best you can do. He is such a nice little boy and he is my son.
– Abraham Lincoln

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HSC Admission Online Application for Session 2018-19

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Welcome to the XI Class Admission Online Application for Session 2018-19 at www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd. You can apply online for HSC College Admission 2018 via official website www xiclassadmission gov bd. Online application has started on May and deadline 13 May at 02:00 PM to 24 May 2018 at 11:59 PM. Before apply you may download the Admission instruction from the box.

XI Class Admission Online Application System 2018-19 | Ministry of Education | XI Class Admission Result 2018-19
Students can apply online or Teletalk SMS System. But it is easy for online to apply HSC college admission 2017-18. More than 13 lac students passed SSC and equivalent in 2018. All the students will take admission in a various college in Bangladesh. Govt and Non-Govt college in Bangladesh online Applications are requested by 13 May 2018 at 02 PM and a deadline of application 24 May at 11:59 PM.

একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির নীতিমালা | Admission Notice Download

Help Line (8:00 AM to 8:00 PM)

 XI Class Admission Notice 

Board Help Line

General Board

01711283044 [Barisal]
01718852310 [Barisal]
01992294676 [Chittagong]
01999345451 [Chittagong]
01912500897 [Chittagong]
01755699160 [Comilla]
01755697058 [Comilla]
01553344444 [Dhaka]
01912363620 [Dhaka]
01926266904 [Dhaka]
01912526896 [Dhaka]
01716314729 [Dinajpur]
01717905474 [Dinajpur]
01914776290 [Jessore]
01710399266 [Jessore]
01670226000 [Rajshahi]
01711472263 [Rajshahi]
01552361920 [Rajshahi]
01733377800 [Sylhet]
01733377900 [Sylhet]
01733377755 [Sylhet]
01733377770 [Sylhet]
01733377771 [Sylhet]
01733377772 [Sylhet]

Madrasa Board


Technical Board 


Admission related all activities, timetable, Admission Instruction, Application rules and admission result available at www.xiclassadmission.gov.bd and all education board official website. Dhaka Board XI Class admission (HSC College). Jessore Board XI Class admission (HSC College). Barisal Board XI Class admission (HSC College). Sylhet Board XI Class admission (HSC College). Comilla Board XI Class admission (HSC College). Chittagong Board XI Class admission (HSC College). Dinajpur Board XI Class admission (HSC College), Rajshahi Board XI Class admission (HSC College). Madrasah Board XI Class admission (HSC College) and Technical Education Board XI Class admission (HSC College).

Education Ministry and Education Board has rights to reserve change, cancel, something adds and deduction in this Admission Instructions.

Students can apply for more than 10 colleges by Online (internet) and the Application fee will be 150 Taka applicable. But there will be 120 Taka applicable by Mobile SMS in every application. Both Mobile SMS and Online application fee must pay by Teletalk Pre-Paid SIM.

Both Online and SMS, students can apply individually or mixed system. If any students will give wrong information then Authority has to right to reject his/r application.

Same Contact Number could not use in many students. Different students will use different Contact number. And Contact Number can not change at any cost. For that be careful to give your Number.

Admission Group Code: General Education Board:

SC for Science. HU for Humanities. BS for Business Studies. HS for Home Science, IS for Islamic Studies and MC for Music.

Madrasa Education Board:

SC for Science , GE for General and Mu for Muzabbid.

Technical Education Board you may see on the advertisement. Please download the Admission Notice 2017 above link.

Shift Code: M for Morning, D for Day, E for Evening and if there is no shift then write N.

Version Code: B for Bangla and E for English.

Quota Code: FQ for Freedom fighter, EQ for Departmental quota, SQ for special quota and PQ for abroad quota.

If you face any problem during application then please make a call above Mobile number during office period. Still you are in trouble then please write a comments and write our Facebook wall.


Sunday, May 6, 2018

 There are many sportspersons in the world. The entire sportspeople are not favorable to me. My favorite sportsperson is a  Bangladeshi international cricketer. He is Shakib Al Hasan. He is one of the greatest cricketers in the world. He is an internationally celebrated person. Actually, he is an all-round performer. He is No. 1 All-rounder in ODI and Test Cricket.   He is different from others. He has good relations with his teammates. He is very friendly and amicable. For having these exceptional qualities in him. I like it very much. He is popular all over the world for his qualities. I like him for his outstanding performance and achievements. He represented Bangladesh at under-19 level, 18 Youth One Day Internationals between 2005 and 2006. Shakib made his One Day International (ODI) debut against Zimbabwe in August 2006, and his Test debut the following May against India.


We all differ in many ways. Out of them all, one major area is on account of our likes and dislikes. The difference exists owing to our family background, company of friends and climatic conditions. Our likes and dislikes, however, give us an understanding into our inner self. Like all others, I too have a few likes and dislikes.  My first importance in my liking is cleanliness, which I consider next only to God. I also love those whose heart is clean, though their tongue might be bitter. I worship beauty in any form. To me beautiful things are those which we never get tired of by seeing. When I look at an elephant, it fills me with ecstasy. Similarly, when I observe an ant and its work, I am filled with praise and admiration for it. I also like nature very much. This gives me great consolation. I feel great pain to see that in his mad pursuit for material possession, man has forgotten all about the real joy that comes from Nature. I like small children, hopping and jumping like free birds. Their faces are smooth and glossy. Their small fingers and toes win my admiration. Their sweet company makes me forget all my woes. On the other hand, I abhor a chain smoker. I don’t like flattery because flatterers are too dangerous to mix with. They can never be our true companions and friends. Lastly, I dislike false intellectual. Because it reminds me of the famous quote that: ‘Empty vessels sound much.’

Greenhouse Effect paragraph

Write a paragraph about 'Greenhouse Effect' by answering the questions below:
What is greenhouse effect?
How is it caused?
What is the main culprit for global warming?
What are the threats of global warming?
What measures can we take to prevent global warming?
What do you mean by greenhouse effect?
How is it created?
What is its effect and who are affected?
How can it be stopped?
What are the measures you prefer to stop it?

The greenhouse effect is the process by which the air surrounding the earth is becoming warmer day by day. In other words, it is the gradual warming of the air which ultimately results in the gradual increase in the world temperature. In short, the rise in atmospheric temperature is known as the greenhouse effect. The carbon dioxide is primarily responsible for temperature rise in atmosphere. The carbon dioxide is given off when coal and oil are burnt. As a result, the ice covering the North and South poles is melting and may eventually lead to a rise in sea levels which can flood many areas of the world. Scientists have already given warning that some parts of coastal countries including Bangladesh may go under water due to greenhouse effect. The total area of deserts is increasing every year. Many species of animals and plants are endangered with the threat of extinction. In order to protect ourselves from its catastrophic impact and to prevent global warming, we should take some effective measures. Therefore, deliberate cutting down of forests must be stopped. Tree plantation program should be adopted soon. Steps should be taken to put an end to the causes and sources of emitting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


The Greenhouse Effect is a warming of the atmosphere around the Earth. This happens when some gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, ozone, methane, etc.,) in the atmosphere trap the heat radiated by the Earth. The atmosphere acts like the glass in a greenhouse (it is from here that the greenhouse Effect gets its name). Over the past few hundred years, humans have been burning trees and fossil fuels. This has released many millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is very good at absorbing the sun’s heat. The extra carbon dioxide has caused the atmosphere of the Earth to become warmer. This, in turn, causes more water to evaporate into the atmosphere. Water vapor is also good at absorbing heat, which causes the Earth’s atmosphere to become even warmer. The average temperature of the atmosphere has risen by almost 1 degree Celsius in the last 200 years. Scientists have called this effect ‘global warming’. They believe that the temperature of the atmosphere will continue to rise as long as the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rises. Increased Greenhouse Effect on Global Warming could shift rainfall patterns, raise the sea level and alter to ecological balance.


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